Personal Information:
- Full Name: Hunter Myhre
- Grade: 11th
- Role in FFA Chapter: I am currently the Treasurer of South Umpqua FFA and am running for Sentinel.
FFA Involvement:
- I have been involved in FFA for two years now and plan to continue.
- Activities/Events: I attend every FFA meeting and always bring something to eat.
- Projects: My FFA projects consist of working in the metals class and also working in the green house after school.
Personal Interests and Hobbies:
- Interests/Hobbies: Outside of school and FFA my hobbies consist of skating, hiking, rock climbing, soccer, and fishing.
- Balancing Involvement: I balance my FFA involvement with my other hobbies by taking extreme care of my calendar and always knowing what is to come in the following months so I can plan my hobbies around FFA.
Future Plans:
- After High School: After I graduate from High School I plan to become and EMT and then eventually become a Fire Fighter someday.
- Continued Involvement: I plan to continue my support for FFA and agriculture by doing whatever I can to help.
- FFA’s Impact: FFA has taught me many valuable lessons about life that I could not have gotten anywhere else and I joining FFA has definitely been one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
Fun Fact or Quote:
- I enjoy midnight runs to Denny’s